CH40022 Organic Reactions and Synthesis
CH40022: Organic Reactions and Synthesis
Instructor: 한순규 (Sunkyu Han,
Class: TTh 14:30-16:00
Class Lecture Hall: Lectures will be delivered at Building E6-4 Room# 3130. In case the hybrid Zoom class is needed, the following Zoom meeting room will be used: , Meeting ID: 421-775-5535
Office Hours: by appointment via email
Teaching Assistant: Seoyoung Kim (김서영,
Course Prerequisites:
Organic Chemistry I (CH221), Organic Chemistry II (CH223), Bioorganic Chemistry (CH325, encouraged but not compulsory), Physical Organic Chemistry (CH336, encouraged but not compulsory)
Course Description:
- Essential topics in organic chemistry will be discussed in depth with a spectrum ranging drawing arrow pushing mechanism to the state-of-the-art topics.
- This course discusses representative name reactions, their mechanism, and synthetic applications in organic chemistry.
- This course is designed to be complementary to other organic chemistry courses such as Organometallic Chemistry (CH542), Organic Synthesis I (CH522), and Organic Synthesis II (CH523). In other words, pericyclic reactions and carbonyl chemistry (1,2 and 1,4 addition, stereochemistry) won’t be discussed in details in this course.
- Details in drawing arrow-pushing mechanisms, heterocycles syntheses, detailed olefin synthesis methods, various olefin functionalization reactions, practical metal catalyzed cross-coupling reactions, metal catalyzed allylations, organolithium chemistry, Aggarwal chemistry, olefin metathesis, radical chemistry, strategies in complex molecules synthesis will be discussed.
- Strategic Applications of Named Reactions in Organic Synthesis, 1st Edition, by Laszlo Kurti and Barbara Czako
Supplementary Resources:
- Andrew G. Myers Chemistry 115 Handouts (Harvard University)
- Phil Baran Group Seminar Lecture (The Scripps Research Institute)
- David MacMillan Group Seminar Presentation (Princeton University)
- Alison Frontier Not Voodoo (University of Rochester)
- Jon Njardarson Top-Selling Pharmaceuticals (University of Arizona)
- Jon Njardarson Chemistry by Design (University of Arizona)
Grading Policy
Course Participation: 10 (Attendance + Proactive responses to questions + Questions for Questions)
Midterm Exam: 40
Final Exam: 50 (cumulative with an emphasis on the second half of the course)
Extra Point: 10 (Synthesis Target Presentation, 6 students), 6 (Questions for Questions)
*Questions for Questions (Q4Q) due date and time (Please send your Q4Q to the TA via email to
Q4Q_01: 03/10, 11 pm
Q4Q_02: 03/24, 11 pm
Q4A_03: 04/07, 11 pm
Q4A_04: 05/07, 11 pm
Q4A_05: 05/19, 11 pm
Q4A_06: 06/02, 11 pm
*Synthesis Target Presentation PPT file submission due date and time: 06/01, 11 pm (Email to Prof. Sunkyu Han)
Midterm exam
Date: April 18
Time: 1-4 pm
Venue: Building E6-4, Room# 3130 (any changes will be announced in class)
Claim Session: April 24, in class
Final Exam
Date: June 13
Time: 1-4 pm
Venue: Building E6-4, Room# 3130 (any changes will be announced in class)
Claim Session: June 17, 5-6 pm, Room# 3130
Course Schedule (Couse schedule may be subjected to change)