
Chungwoo and Sunkyu presented at the 133rd General Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society. Chungwoo won the Excellent Oral Presentation Award,  Apr. 2024.  

Gyumin's Hooding Ceremony,  Feb. 2024.  

Gyumin's Ph.D. Thesis Defense Celebration,  Dec. 2023.  

Dinner with faculty members at DGIST after Sunkyu's seminar talk at DGIST,  Nov. 2023.  

Farewell party for Air (a visiting student from Mahidol University, Thailand),  Oct. 2023.  

Sunkyu presented at the College of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon,  Oct. 2023.  

Sunkyu presented at the 47th Heterocyclic Compounds Symposium, Chuncheon,  Sep. 2023.  

The whole group attended 2023 KCS Division of Organic Chemistry Summer Workshop. Yoojin wond the excellent oral presentation award, Gyumin wond the best poster award, Sunkyu gave a tutorial lecture on stereochemical determination of complex molecules, Pyeongchang, Aug. 2023.  

Sunkyu and Gyumin attended GRC on Natural Products and Bioactive Compounds and presented Posters and met many great natural products enthusiasts! From Top left clockwise: Sunku and Prof. David Sarlah (UIUC), Gyumin and Keisuke Suzuki sense, Sunkyu and Dr. Cheryl Hayward (Senior Director Process Chemistry Pfizer who led the process chemistry of Paxlovid), Sunkyu,    Andover, NH, Aug. 2023.  

Group Bowling,  June 2023.  

Young Ho Chang's Farewell Lunch & Desert,  June 2023.  

Sunkyu presented at Kyung Hee University, College of Korean Medicine, KDCRC (Korean Medicine-Based Drug Repositioning Cancer Research Center) Symposium, June 2023.  

Young Ho Jang successfully defended his doctoral thesis. Congratulations Dr. Jang! KAIST, June 2023.  

Sunkyu delivered a talk at the 21st JISEDAI Symposium held in Aichi gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan (The first picture is taken during the welcoming dinner with the executive committee member of the JISEDAY symposium). During this visit, Sunkyu (with Prof. Yusuke Sasano from Tohoku University) also visited the laboratory of Professor Takeo Sakai at Meijo Univeristy (2nd and 3rd pictures). May 2023.  

Sunkyu delivered a research talk at UNIST, Ulsan, May 2023

Group picnic, KAIST, March 2023.

Sunkyu presented at PACCON 2023 (Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference 2023), Chiang Rai, Thailand, January 2023.

Sunkyu presented at SICC-11 (Singapore International Chemistry Conference-11), Singapore, December 2022.

The Han group's outing, Surfing at Yangyang, August 2022.

The Han group participated in 2022 KCS DOC Summer Workshop. Sangbin delivered an oral presentation, Young Ho, Gyumin, Yoojin, Seongrok, and Jaewon presented posters, Sokcho, August 2022. 

Sunkyu visited New Haven and met Scott (Postdoc advisor) and presented group research at Yale University, August 2022. 

Sunkyu visited Boston and met Mo (Ph.D. advisor) and Thomas (Ph.D. advisee) and Sanghyun (Prof. Hee-Yoon Lee's Ph.D. advisee), July 2022. 

Sunkyu attended the 2022 GRC Stereochemistry and presented a poster. Photo with Prof. Ming-Yu Ngai and Miller group alumni, July 2022. 

Youngho, Gyumin, and Sangbin presented at 2022 KCS Daejeon, Chungman, Sejong Regional Division Symposium and won excellent oral presentation awards, July 2022. 

Celebrating Teacher's day (We are teachers of each other!), May 2022.   

Sunkyu, Youngho, Sangbin, and  Chungwoo (the winner of excellent poster award!) presented at the 129th General Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society, Jeju island, Apr. 2022.   

Group Photos, Mar. 2022

Hyeonggeun and Taehyung Ph.D. Thesis Defense Celebration, KAIST, Dec. 10 2021

Sunkyu and Gyumin presented at the 128th General Meeting of the Korean Chemical Society, Busan, Oct. 2021

Group photos, Mar. 2021

Belated pictures in regalias, Doctors Seong, Jo, and Han, Nov. 2020

Geon & Sangbin's farewell + Sikwang's birthday party, Aug. 2020

Geon's and Sangbin's Ph.D. Thesis Defense Party, May 2020

Group photo, April 2020.

Our group's bottomless beverage fridge

Sunkyu presented at 2019 POSTECH Minisymposium on Chemistry (Korea-Thailand Bilateral Meeting)

Gyumin and Sanghyun presented posters at the KCS National Meeting. Sunkyu delivered an oral presentation at the KCS National Meeting, Oct 2019. 

Sunkyu delivered an oral presentation at ICCEOCA-14 (ACP Meeting) and won the Lectureship awards from the coordinators of Japan and Singapore, Sep 2019. 

Group dinner celebrating Sunkyu's Hanseong Science Award, July 2019

Sunkyu attended and presented a poster at the GRC (Heterocyclic Compounds) meeting held at Salve Regina University, Newport, RI, June 2019

Sikwang's and Deokhee's Ph.D. Thesis Defense Party, April 2019

Group Spring Picnic Lunch, April 2019

IBS Seminar Series with Seminar Speakers: Professors Molander, Knowles, and Burton, March 2019.

2nd KAIST-BK21 Symposium Welcome Dinner 

Joonoh's farewell party (dinner & bowling), Dec. 2018.

Sikwang, Hyeonggeun, Geon, and Sunkyu Participated at 2018 Korean Society of Organic Synthesis (KSOS) meeting. Geon delivered an oral presentation (Won oral presentation award). Sikwang and Hyeonggeun presented a poster, Gyeongju, Nov. 2018.

Sunkyu attended the Asian International Symposium on Organic Chemistry in Tokyo 2018 (AISOC2018, oral presentation) and the 18th Tateshina Conference on Organic Chemistry (Short talk & Poster presentation), Tokyo & Chino, Japan, Nov. 2018.

Group Lunch and Bowling, Nov. 2018

Professor Keisuke Suzuki visited KAIST, Oct. 2018.

Geon presented a poster at the 122nd KCS Meeting, Daegu. Oct. 2018.

Sunkyu delivered an invited lecture at Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan, Sep. 2018.


The whole group participated in the 2018 Korean Chemical Society Organic Division Summer Workshop. 

Sikwang delivered an oral presentation and the rest of the group members presented posters. Geon won the Bruker best poster Award, Wonju, Aug. 2018.

Sunkyu presented a poster at the 2018 GRC (Natural products and bioactive compounds), Proctor Academy, Andover NH, Aug. 2018.

Sunkyu participated in the 53rd Bürgenstock Conference at Brunnen and delivered a Short Talk + Poster Presentation, May 2018.

Photo with Professor Sukbok Chang in the cherry blossom tunnel at KAIST, Apr. 2018

Group photo with the cherry blossom at KAIST, Apr. 2018

Group Photo at the 5th Workshop of CCHF. Dec. 2017

Sunkyu won the TJ Park Posco Science Fellowship, Oct. 2017

Sangbin won the best oral presentation award at Junior ACPICCEOCA-7/Junior ARNCEOCA-3, Lanzhou, China. Oct. 2017

Deokhee, Sangbin, and Sunkyu presented at the 120th KCS Meeting, Gwangju. Oct. 2017

Sangbin won the Daejung Hwageum ACP Junior Award Best Oral Presentation Award,  the 17th KCS Organic Chemistry Division Summer Workshop, Munkyung. Aug. 2017

Sunkyu's Poster Presentation at the Gordon Research Conference (Organic Reactions and Processes). Jul. 2017

Sunkyu's seminar at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, with Professors Sun, Dai, and Tong. Jul. 2017

Group Outing at Jeju Island after the OMCOS 19. Jun. 2017

Group OMCOS 19 participation at Jeju Island. Jun. 2017

Sangbin's KCS Daejeon, Chungnam, Sejong Conference Poster Presentation. May 2017

Deokhee's Korean Chemical Society Assembly (KCS) Oral Presentation. Apr. 2017

Taeho's Farewell Dinner, Apr. 2017.

Cherry Blossom at KAIST, Apr. 2017.

Group Dinner, Mar. 2017.

Group Dinner and Bowling, Dec. 2016.

The 16th Korean Chemical Society Organic Division Summer Workshop at Sokcho. Aug. 2016

Group Outing to the Hanwha Eagles Baseball Game. Jul. 2016

Cherry Blossom at KAIST, Apr. 2016

Group Pictures After the Group Dinner, Dec. 2015. 

Group Picture at Muju, Nov. 2015.

Cherry Blossom at KAIST, Apr. 2015.  


Group Bowling, Feb. 2015.


Group Pictures at Deokyu Mt., Nov. 2014.